Thursday, August 27, 2015

Behind The Scenes with Wire and Found Objects

This week I shared a bit about my love of wire on the ReMe Retreats website.  Wire is a basic component in most everything that I create, and I'm consistently amazed by it.  Below you'll find photos of some of the results of my adventures with wire, and also a behind-the-scenes peek at a few of the results of my self imposed challenge with wire and a limited selection of tools and found objects.

I love 
All Wire 
and I 
cannot lie...

Simplicity of design with Wire, Swarovski Crystals, and a Clasp.
Rings of Wire and Beads.

"Pipe Cleaners"
just another
to say

Electrical Parts and Pieces = Fancy Wire!

Cocooned in each link is a piece of a plastic straw.

The humble beginnings of my Wired Copper Cuff.
Its initial construction was all about the stability of the finished piece.
Then I began to add a few interesting functional details.
The free form wrapping continued.
In the finished cuff, I intentionally allowed a small portion of the straw 
to peek through; enough to raise interest without revealing its identity.
While these individual pieces may never be a part of my retail collection, in the process of creating them I stretched.  I challenged my ability to create with limited options.  I explored the technique of encapsulating a found object almost to the point of its being unrecognizable.  I examined my feelings about whether or not this treatment increases or decreases its contribution to the final piece.  And I pondered the inherent value of found objects, in general and when they're elevated within a piece of mixed media artwork.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

On Gratitude and New Beginnings

The road this year has proven to be more challenging than I ever could have anticipated.  My Mother's declining health was certainly a part of it.  More so than I'd realized as I was walking through it day by day.  After she passed, I was struck by exhaustion like I've never felt.  I've come to realize that it had insidiously crept into my very soul, both mentally and physically.  In hindsight, I'd been running on fumes, and it finally caught up with me.  I'm happy to say that I'm emerging on the other side of this period of my life.

With this emergence comes a heightened sense of gratitude.  Gratitude for parents who love us unconditionally; gratitude for my husband who supports me when I don't even realize that I need it; gratitude for family members who reach across the miles to embrace us; gratitude for friends who love us like family, and gratitude for my customers, both individual and businesses, who tolerated my behavior when I was giving all that I had, knowing fully well that it wasn't enough.

A before shot of one corner in my new studio.
The last few years have been a period of gathering for me.  While my time in the studio was limited, inspiration never ceased to dance in my head.  I know now that I was saving it deep in my heart.  Collecting it, along with my precious memories, to be put to good use later.

Later has finally arrived.  During the next month, I'll be moving my studio to a new location.  I'll soon be surrounded by creative souls in a place that I love, with a classroom, and gallery space, and so much more.  In September, there'll be a bit more routine to my schedule.  While one part of me resists routines of all kinds, at my core I know my life will benefit from this change.  Soon the shops and boutiques that represent my work will be fully stocked again, and I'll be creating with abandon.

My view of the future is lighter and brighter than its been in some time.  It's filled with hope, and of course gratitude.  Gratitude for all that has been and all that will be.

Stay tuned!  It's about to get exciting, and I'm looking forward to sharing every step of it with you.